Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Chamber of Commerce Conference Room
514 S Main Street (Use Main Street Entrance)
Aberdeen, SD 57401
$50 (Includes Lunch and Materials)
Contact Information
Gail Ochs
Send Email
Are you thinking about running for elected office?
Running for elected office is one of the best ways you can give back to your community. Elected officials have a great deal of power and influence over the daily lives of people they serve. Local government has the ability to raise taxes, put forth new laws, and improve their constituents’ quality of living. But getting yourself on the ballot takes time, effort, and money. It takes personal sacrifice and extracts a toll not only on you, but also on your family and close supporters.
Before deciding to embark on a career as a politician, there are many questions you’ll need to answer. We’re here to help answer some of those questions. The Aberdeen Area Chamber of Commerce and Aberdeen Home Builders Association are hosting a Campaign School in Aberdeen on Tuesday, April 16th.
The class will be held from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm and includes lunch and refreshments. Learn about the basics and fine tune your campaign with topics including:
- Campaign planning
- Fundraising
- Media
- Voter targeting and contact
- Research
The class will be facilitated by Karl Eckart with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Eckhart currently serves as the Vice President of Intergovernmental Affairs. In 2011, Eckhart published a grassroots campaign guide titled “Fifty Percent + One: The Fundamentals of Running a Successful Campaign".